The children of any element can be filtered by setting the attribute data-filter="true" on the element. By default, the text contained in each child is used for filtering, however, you also have the option of setting the attribute data-filtertext to a string value on any child that will be considered for filtering to associate custom filter text instead.

Basic filter

The filter widget is based on and replaces the listview filter extension. Thus, you can set data-filter="true" on a listview to generate a filter for its list items.

Nevertheless, the way in which a filterable is constructed differs from the way the listview filter extension worked in one important regard: the text field for entering the search string is not provided. Instead, you can provide the text field in your markup and have the filterable make use of it by providing a selector that will retrieve the text field as the value of the filterable's data-input attribute. Add class ui-filterable to the form in which you wrap the search input or to the listview to have the framework adjust the margin between the text field and listview.

The deprecated behavior whereby the filterable injects a text field before the element whose children are to be filtered is retained for version 1.4.0 to help with the transition from the listview filter extension, however, it will be removed in 1.5.0.

  • Acura
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Cadillac
  • Ferrari

Table filter

You are not limited to using filters on listviews. To create a filter for a table widget, set data-filter="true" on the table element to generate a filter for table rows.

Rank Movie Title Year Rating Reviews
1 Citizen Kane 1941 100% 74
2 Casablanca 1942 97% 64
3 The Godfather 1972 97% 87

Controlgroup Filter

The filter widget can be used on other widgets, too. To filter a list of controlgroup buttons, declare data-filter="true" on the element that creates the controlgroup (Note that you can also use the data-filtertext attribute to declare the text string used for filtering the respective element.

Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5

Filter Select

The widget also works on select widgets by hiding options that do not match the filter text. To use a filter for options, declare the data-filter attribute on the select element.

Filter Collapsible Set


  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Lizards
  • Snakes


  • Acura
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Cadillac


  • Earth
  • Jupiter
  • Mars
  • Mercury

Filter Collapsible Set and collapsible children


  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Lizards
  • Snakes


  • Acura
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Cadillac


  • Earth
  • Jupiter
  • Mars
  • Mercury

Filter Anything

The widget can be used for filtering on any element containing other elements, like a div containing p elements.

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Filterable Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur

Filter Styling

The filter widget supports the same attributes as the previous listview extension. Use data-filter-theme to declare a specific theme for the text field (overriding inheritance). data-filter-placeholder allows you to customize the input's placeholder text. In addition, the filterable widget will synchronize options shared between the textinput widget and the widget whose children it filters to make sure that the value of the textinput widget options is the same as the value of the widget options. So, for example, if you set data-inset="true" on the listview, then the corresponding textinput widget will also be inset.

NOTE: This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in 1.5.0. The correct way forward is to provide the text field (or any other widget that emits the "change" signal) as part of the original markup and to pass a selector that will retrieve it to the filterable widget via the data-input attribute.

  • Acura
  • Audi
  • BMW
  • Cadillac
  • Ferrari

Filter Reveal

The filter reveal feature makes it easy to build a simple autocomplete with local data. When a filter has the data-filter-reveal="true" attribute, it will auto-hide all the list items when the search field is blank. The data-filter-placeholder attribute can be added to specify the placeholder text for the filter. If you need to search against a long list of values, we provide a way to create a filter with a remote data source.